Combining the knowledge of Time Line Therapy, Hypnosis and Energy work, we present to you a unique and very powerful relaxation and healing technique called Energy Time Healing (ETH).
What is ETH?
ETH stands for Energy Time Healing. As we decipher the acronym we discuss each term in detail.
1) Energy: - Everything around us and in us is nothing but energy. We are a moving bundle of energy constantly receiving, giving and transferring energy sometime consciously and most of the time unconsciously. Every word, every thought every emotion is nothing but energy which is what makes the study of individual energy so powerful. Diseases can be healed, thoughts can be changed and so powerful transformations commonly called ‘miracles’ can be a reality with proper application of this ‘energy’.
2) Time: - Time has a very beautiful concept in sense of the fact that it allows us to comprehend the ‘reality’ around us. According to ‘Theory of Mind’ the conscious mind is ability to allow us to live in ‘NOW’ comes from its ability to distinguish ‘TIME & SPACE’. So for most of us Past refers to something “BACK” and Future refers to something “FORWARD”. This is why phrases like ‘looking back in the past ‘and ‘looking forward to a new future’ comes to play.
Understanding this concept is vital to our ETH since TIME is the connecting line between ENERGY and HEALING.
3) Healing:- healing refers classically to the input of energy that the body, mind and spirit uses to correct what has gone wrong with it. It is a holistic process as any one part affects the others.
This also happens to be the final part of our ETH technique.
How does ETH work?
The process is very simple.
1) The conscious mind is put into a relaxed state so that everyday clutter takes a back seat.
2) We then observe all happenings in our life space from a neutral position following specific instructions
3) Take corrective action based on cognitive understanding of the issue.
4) Slowly come up from the relaxed state to a fully conscious and fresh state.
5) Move into a fresh and empowered life.
How is ETH so Powerful?
Our mind works on the principle of Identification, Association and Response. Which put in simpler terms would mean that our response be it verbal or emotional, internal to ourselves or external to the environment depends completely on how we see what we see. How do we identify something to being good and being not good for us. ETH creates a conscious shift in this area of life. So literally the moment you put the right glasses you start seeing the right picture. It is this simple yet so very powerful discovery that makes ETH work for almost everyone of us.
What can ETH help us in?
Energy Time Healing can help us in various ways. However few of the areas where it creates a definitive improvement are.
1) Disturbing emotions like fear, anger, worry, tension, anxiety, depression, hatred, jealousy, insult, frustration etc.
2) Physical aches & pains.
3) Understanding the core emotion.
4) Getting free from binding emotions.
Can ETH harm us?
In fact once we are free from a limiting believe, the chances of our success in our Endeavour to lead a happier and fulfilling life go up manifold.